jeudi 10 novembre 2011



There was a big storm last Sunday, as I was getting myself ready to go out the door lightning struck the house...I kind of changed my schedule!
No power, ok, I will wait a little bit before I go do my shopping.  Not realizing right away that's what happened. My neighbour asked if I was ok, you have no power? You are the only one....Great! Powercame back around 11:30 that night so almoat 14 hrs without electricity. I am doing the thinga that needs to be done in order to fix everything in the house, call the telphone compNy because the internet is not working, internet is my lifeline, this is how I keep contact with my family,even the calling them I use internet...I am powerless. I know that I have a phone call appointment on wednesday with my coach, so, it is important for me to have the net fixed. It fixed finally on Tuesday, althought my computer is not really working my ipad do the job. I am so grateful for my early xmas gift. Finally Wed. gets here, speak with my coach and she asked what are you disconneted from in your life....Well, that was another lightning...I had to stop and think...I am so good to ask that question to everybody but forgot to ask it to myself...So grateful again that someone was there to ask me! It come back to me! Time to look at me, what's going on in my life. Found the answer, now time to reajust my aim.
Hopefully, I can be more aware of what the Universe message is sending me!
Thank you.

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