mardi 27 décembre 2011

A new beginning.

"Dear God, please help me to love and value myself, and treat myself with loving care. Please help me to know that I deserve happiness (as we all do), and that I have the right to change my life in healthful ways. Thank you for supporting me as I stand in my power, strength, and love in my relationships and in my career, and for helping others to accept and support the changes that I need to make"  Doreen Virtue.
This was on my facebook this morning! Oh wow. Thank you. I know that this blog is supposed to be about me, what I have learned etc...And yet, I had to make an exception to this rule today! This is my wish for me for the New Year!  I love me! ;0)

lundi 5 décembre 2011

I love you!

The way I was brought up , “I love you” had to come from a boyfriend only. Not from a family member or a friend. I think after I was 6, I never heard that sentence anymore!

So, in 2000, when my friend (a female) said to me “I love you” it wasn’t sitting well with me! I was so uncomfortable.
Woaaaaaaa, I had to take a deep breath and asked myself what she meant by that, what did she want? I am very secure in my sexuality but still, maybe she was testing me! Is she hitting on me?

I came to realize that it was ok for a friend and a family member to say this magic phrase....With all the big step that I have taking in my life, nowadays I know it is even ok for me to say it to myself! And the more love I give myself, the more love comes to me! Don’t you just love this life? !!!

samedi 3 décembre 2011


When you are in a relationship, you mold yourself the way your partner want you to be or worse the way you perceived the way they want you! You end up showing someone who is not you, you are very uncomfortable in this situation.
If you are not feeling it, your body find a way to let you know and a disease or an accident is most likely to show up. Because we don’t know how to decode the body language, you stay like that, in the same situation. It get worse or you change, you show who you really are and they leave.
So, either you celebrate or you go back to your old patter to win them back. And the circle starts again.
You can have a better life. Embrace yourself, you’ll be thankful you did!

mercredi 30 novembre 2011


You know that song from Kate Perry “Firework”? Have you seen the video? She has a firework leaving from her stomach area going outward. Well, this is exactly how I feel lately.

The Joy and Love are coming out of me like a firework. I love this feeling. I feel I am celebrating because of all the awakening and growing spur I’ve been doing lately. So every morning I get up and offer myself a day full of celebration.

mardi 29 novembre 2011

Light bulb moment

It has been a great week (and this is only Tuesday).

I feel like I have accomplished major step in my life. I was challenged this week...Again.

It is all good; I know it is for my personal growth, so I can be transformed into a beautiful butterfly.

I have decided to be honest with myself and listen to what my heart is telling me. See what I don't want to see...Why I use some replacement instead of facing the fact. I have turned rocks and face that truth and yet there are more rocks to turn...Actually, probably a full quarry!

Lots of work and yet it is all good, because on the other side, I know that beautiful butterfly will face the sun that is shinning so brightly for it.

lundi 28 novembre 2011

Lab rat

What a better student to have than your own children?!! Last night, I had a perfect opportunity to preach what I have been thaugt the last month, as well as what I believe in. I called both kids on different timing and was able to give them direction they were seeking for. I was able to do it has an outsider perspective this time, not so much of my motherly feelings involved! I know that I am on the right track! I felt very good after each call. Now, I know it is in their camp, up to them to act on. What a lovely day.:-)

jeudi 24 novembre 2011

Ask and you shall receive.

I have noticed lately that when I ask something to the Universe it is always answered....

I have to be careful for what I wish for....I know it is manifesting.  I have to remind myself to think great, positive thoughts. As soon as I say: “ I wonder what it would be like”...Well, you can rest assure the Universe is ready to send me the message that is  has been received and the order is within minutes, days away!!! Really, I am an emission tower....A really big magnet!

Abundance is not always in a pay check way, it could be in people manifesting their appreciation or just someone giving me gift that are unexpected.... I am really grateful for everything that is entering my life.

mercredi 23 novembre 2011


I should know better than to take critics or questions that make myself doubt too personally. When people ask questions that sounds like they doubt my work, it really doesn’t talk about myself but rather about them. They project their insecurity on me and like a sponge I absorb it and take it in as mine. It is not about me! I should remember that instead of taking offence or doubting.......Maybe if I remember this, I will be able to project my confidence on them and they would absorb it!
Shine on

mardi 22 novembre 2011

Loosing sanity

When I came back from work today, I realized the dog wasn’t home, she had escape...Well, it took no time for me to go from the Zen peaceful person that I am, to a panicked person...Was wandering what it was to be borderline! I sure did had the symptoms! I usually am a pretty calm person, but loosing the dog made the pendulum go the other side!
There is no reason to panic and listen to my ego when things do not go my way. The outcome will always be a lesson and always be better than the worse case scenario that my mind allowed me to go think. Accept Faith and go with the flow. Breath.

lundi 21 novembre 2011

Holding on

I have to do an inventory of all my belongings in the house. I came to realized that I do hold on to lots of stuff. I have lots of excess baggage....I don’t need all the clothes that I have, I don’t fit in them anymore!
It is taking so much space in the house.
I should be able to let it go. It is not my material things that will make me feel secure and get rid of my fears..All this material is holding me down.
Whenever I will let if go, I will be able to float, to be lighter and appreciate more what I have.  
I shall start with the diet of the house...The inventory will be much easier :-)

dimanche 20 novembre 2011

The other side 

I have been living the most wonderful month. Taking the step to live the life that I enjoy. Stop sitting on the sidewalk, watch life goes by. I was in  a tunnel and couldn't see the end. I have reached out to someone that is helping me to see the light, she is helping me to trust myself. She helped me soar and see that fear doesn't have to always be part of my life, that I can overcome fear. I am so grateful to be part of the Spiritual Renegade, best decision I have made. I know someday she is going to let me go, but not until I am completly out of the tunnel. Cheers Jenny. Thank you xo

vendredi 18 novembre 2011


There was a time that I thought I had the infused knowledge of it all. Giving advices to whomever was at an earshot.  Wanted to control everything, I meant well. Now, I am sure that not everyone likd that, as I put myself in their shoes. I have learned to let it go and give advices to who ever look for it! If I can. When I see someone who want to give advices, well, I know it is a reflection....I still have a few tickle, and yet, I am able to catch myself most time! Whenever I want to control something, it is a strong message....I have to stop and listen.  Is it fear, or the need of approval, or just showing that I know everything!!!!! Not easy to find out, but when your mind is quiet, you can listen. Cheers xo

jeudi 17 novembre 2011


I am like a garden, till the soil, put some seeds, water it, sun, and watch it grow. This is actually how I feel lately and I can actually watch myself grow.
I am taking care of my own garden, I have planted some great seeds, watering it every day, give some love and watching the show growing. It is quite interesting to see what it was and what it is now.
I enjoy doing this. It is a very good process to see me grow and shine with love, reflect on everyone that needs it with my own light. Knowing that I am not forcing anyone, who ever needs it come to me! Shine on!

mercredi 16 novembre 2011


When I am hurt, like an animal, I like to lick my wounds. I close up, watch what is going on inside, look what need to be healed and start to work on it. I do not stay in that state of hurt. Sometime it take a little while to get out of it, then I say to myself that it is not a good to hold on to negative feelings (that’s how dis ease are showing up in our body). I have a few coping mechanism, sometime just talking to a friend is helping, sometime, time alone is the best and my last one that I found was getting a dog. It helps me to stay in the moment and with a clear mind it help me to decide which course of action to take.
Carpe Diem! The best way to live and enjoy life!

mardi 15 novembre 2011


I surprise myself everytime to find that I am creative. I discover the desire and the courage within me to follow my intuition and write. I realise the joy it gives me to put down on a screen.
I am almost excited to see the stats, see if anyone has read it. In reality, I do it for me, myself and as well, I.
Writing this is like writing a diary that I would keep by my nightstand, this is just happened to be a virtual one. Whenever I do not find inspiration, well, I take a deep breath, I listen to what is going on inside...It is easy, I just have to remember to breath!

lundi 14 novembre 2011

Piece of coal

I am trying to write my blog and the dog get in my way, she jump on me, try to get my attention by putting her paw on my keyboard, trying to type...Not an easy task. I am giving her my full attention now. I have to play with her.

Just realised that I like challenges.... And that, like a diamond I come out beautifully under pressure. It has to light up a fire in me...
A routine job wouldn’t be has interesting to me, a job with different customer would be more in my line of way to go. Same thing to do and yet it would be with a different person, therefore not the same dare!  Yes, this would be more like me! I can push my limit and act despite of fear! Show everyone (and even just myself) that you can do it, it is possible to do! That on the other side of that challenge there is the happiness of the accomplishment! Brava! Good job

dimanche 13 novembre 2011

Driving my car

I have to find a better way to gather my thoughts while driving. Came to the conclusion the other day that it is when I am driving that my thinking hat comes on, my great inspirations. Although I cannot write while I drive (it is not readable anyway), I try to retain everything which I forget anyway.

 Today, I went for a 100 km drive and great ideas came up. Do you think I remember? No, I guess it will come up the next time I am in the car. I am not sure how long my cell phone can record...Maybe, I can do it this way....Set it up before I go and have a one click thing to do.

The other day, I have decided to walk from home to the train station and take the train to work . So, off I go. It was great ½ hour walk then the train then 10 minutes walk to work.... It is so busy in the morning, the students, the workers, everybody talks and here, they are loud. Lots of noise stops me from doing mymorningcameditationprocesstoletgomythoughts. It is better for me to have my alone time and let go of my thoughts, I realized that I do enjoy my alone time. Sometime, it is just to say affirmations.

So, getting in shape intention got shut again! I will find another time to get in shape.  Well, the driving was actually to the store so I could get a DVD for the Cardio Latino workout. Tomorrow night is cardio night! Woot woot.  Now, I cannot wait to see the dog trying to chase me while doing it, she will think that I am trying to play with her!!! Oh oh, I see patience being called. Or maybe I should just do visualisation tonight, so I can do it without the dog being in my way! Yeah, let’s do that! I know they work! I have fixed my computer connection that way! I can do it! And it is not just for the computer that I know they work. The other day I have started to say this affirmation: ” I attract into my life everything I need for healing....” You should see who came knocking at my door! My virtual door that is! I will talk about this in another blog. Have a wonderful night.

samedi 12 novembre 2011


Since Nov. 3rd, I have been on a fall challenge. It is a fall detox with the local gym. You either have a choice of VEGAN or PALEO (Palaeolithic) diet. We are on a team of 2 and everyday we have a chance to get 30 pts, 20 pts for following the diet and 10 pts for working out one hour a day. I chose the paleo one..It is easy for me, I have cut off most bread, flour, rice, potatoes etc in my life since I feel very bloated when I have some....I have been really good except for the workout...I gave myself all kind of excuse,( and am listening), like I was going to do the workout on DVD, cardio Latino! I was all pumped for it. The day that I’ve decided that I was going to do it! The house got struck by lightning and the DVD got fried...I can take a hint! LOL This message was loud and clear, to the contrary of the message of why the lightning struck!!! No workout like that...Only 20 points each day. Then 2 days ago, I went away with a few co-worker...Go to the restaurant, eat Chinese....Chinese, well, you have to eat rice...I guess it is not just the rice...The beer would not help either! So minus 15 pts. Next day, nice meal, able to follow except for the wine part another -15 pts. OMG. I have to get back on track....Doing Pilates this morning, so I am gaining 10 pts plus following my diet 20 pts.....

The weighed in this morning showed that I almost let go of 3 pounds...So proud of me! Doing good. There is another week to go.

I was reading Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz‘s newsletter and she was saying the reason we gain weight is because we are not listening to our intuition behind our hunger, our boredom and our craving.... Hum, very interesting. That would be part of another blog.  I love when I can learn from my body.  This question is very often in my life and should be applied to everything that is happening...

”What is this telling me???”

vendredi 11 novembre 2011

The bus ride

Well, here I was on a bus ride and thinking that I would be able to get a few moments so I can meditate and also think about what I am going to write. I have a few subject in my head that floats around....I make sure that I write down at least the subject and later expand on....
After that we were sitting there 4 of us, talking, having conversation and joking. Of course, I am the clown of the crowd and yet I don't mind that, in fact I quite enjoy it. The pleasure it gives me to make someone laugh as well as seing them forget their problem etc and be in the moment. This is when you have no choice to be in the moment, if you want to give witty remarks, you have to be there. Everyone in my crowd is in the moment and laugh....So much fun.
When it come to one on one time with people, well, let's just say that I am not the most comfortable, but when it come to a crowd of 2-3 or even more, I am at my best. I have a full 5 hrs bus ride to entertain. The more I see people hooked to every words I am saying the funnier I get, while this is happening, I kind of let my other tasks aside and do the one that I enjoy the most....Isn't most often like that? We do the fun thing First then we procrastinate for the other stuff....Well, I know I am like that. Some people would call this prioritizing....I like it in fact, I love it. It put the blame on something else! Or just make me look at it in a different way. This 5 hrs bus drive didn't even looked like it was that long... somehow in no time we are all home in the comfort of our little routine.

jeudi 10 novembre 2011



There was a big storm last Sunday, as I was getting myself ready to go out the door lightning struck the house...I kind of changed my schedule!
No power, ok, I will wait a little bit before I go do my shopping.  Not realizing right away that's what happened. My neighbour asked if I was ok, you have no power? You are the only one....Great! Powercame back around 11:30 that night so almoat 14 hrs without electricity. I am doing the thinga that needs to be done in order to fix everything in the house, call the telphone compNy because the internet is not working, internet is my lifeline, this is how I keep contact with my family,even the calling them I use internet...I am powerless. I know that I have a phone call appointment on wednesday with my coach, so, it is important for me to have the net fixed. It fixed finally on Tuesday, althought my computer is not really working my ipad do the job. I am so grateful for my early xmas gift. Finally Wed. gets here, speak with my coach and she asked what are you disconneted from in your life....Well, that was another lightning...I had to stop and think...I am so good to ask that question to everybody but forgot to ask it to myself...So grateful again that someone was there to ask me! It come back to me! Time to look at me, what's going on in my life. Found the answer, now time to reajust my aim.
Hopefully, I can be more aware of what the Universe message is sending me!
Thank you.

jeudi 3 novembre 2011

Think big

Going toward my dream! Never thought that I would write a blog...Who me?
What do I have to say that would be of interest! Well, I guess it doesn't matter, it will all come!
I love this quote of Marianne Williamson of the deepest fear:
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
So, I will not play small....I will think Big!
Yahoo et voila! I am here on the web.
Brava to me!