mardi 27 décembre 2011

A new beginning.

"Dear God, please help me to love and value myself, and treat myself with loving care. Please help me to know that I deserve happiness (as we all do), and that I have the right to change my life in healthful ways. Thank you for supporting me as I stand in my power, strength, and love in my relationships and in my career, and for helping others to accept and support the changes that I need to make"  Doreen Virtue.
This was on my facebook this morning! Oh wow. Thank you. I know that this blog is supposed to be about me, what I have learned etc...And yet, I had to make an exception to this rule today! This is my wish for me for the New Year!  I love me! ;0)

lundi 5 décembre 2011

I love you!

The way I was brought up , “I love you” had to come from a boyfriend only. Not from a family member or a friend. I think after I was 6, I never heard that sentence anymore!

So, in 2000, when my friend (a female) said to me “I love you” it wasn’t sitting well with me! I was so uncomfortable.
Woaaaaaaa, I had to take a deep breath and asked myself what she meant by that, what did she want? I am very secure in my sexuality but still, maybe she was testing me! Is she hitting on me?

I came to realize that it was ok for a friend and a family member to say this magic phrase....With all the big step that I have taking in my life, nowadays I know it is even ok for me to say it to myself! And the more love I give myself, the more love comes to me! Don’t you just love this life? !!!

samedi 3 décembre 2011


When you are in a relationship, you mold yourself the way your partner want you to be or worse the way you perceived the way they want you! You end up showing someone who is not you, you are very uncomfortable in this situation.
If you are not feeling it, your body find a way to let you know and a disease or an accident is most likely to show up. Because we don’t know how to decode the body language, you stay like that, in the same situation. It get worse or you change, you show who you really are and they leave.
So, either you celebrate or you go back to your old patter to win them back. And the circle starts again.
You can have a better life. Embrace yourself, you’ll be thankful you did!